Neither doing nor not-doing

Neither doing nor not-doing

Non- volitional living

We have now discovered that resisting the self’s needs activates them, while not resisting them makes them stronger. Doesn’t this illustrate perfectly that neither doing nor not-doing is the only answer? Non-volition is the way out – the only way out. And, thank goodness it isn’t something we must ‘do’. You have been removed from the situation by discovering that there isn’t a ”you” to do anything. Non-volitional living is simply realizing that right now, at this moment, you are neither doing nor not-doing. And if it seems ”you” are doing, it is merely a habitual assumption. Doing just happens. It is simply the Reality, here now. Realizing non-volitional living cuts off every option the thought process believes it had. Everything is being taken care of. It is finished. Rest. That is all that is possible.

uit : ‘Non Dual Theachings of the Bible’, Galen Sharp


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